I know that your cat’s poop is the last thing you’d want to look at but if you care about your cat’s health, then you should never ignore it. Poop provides a wealth of information about the state of health of the cat. The bathroom habits the color, content and consistency of stool indicators of how your cat is feeling. Your cat’s poop is a clear sign and symptom of the food she is eating and how it’s handling that food.
What should your cat’s poop look like so that you won’t be worried about her health?
Ideal cat poop is colored dark brown should not be too hard or too soft. If it is watery, then it may likely be due to diarrhea. If the stool is as hard as a rock, then it is possible that your cat is having a health issue.
Here are some of the things to look out for whenever your cat litters
A healthy cat produces a dark brown stool. Some color variations is okay. What you feed can make a difference if food coloring is use in the kibbles. Bright red streaks possible sign of bleeding in the GI tract. The significant is whether it due to constipation and/or the cat had hard time excreting. Black or maroon is indication of small intestine bleeding. Pale yellow stool may be a symptom of liver or pancreatic problems. - CONSISTENCY
A numerical value (from 1 to 7) is use for fecal scoring system is use by many veterinarians, specialist, and scatologist. 1 is the hardest and 7 the softest poop. Below is chart use by many veterinarians, specialists, Scatology to rate the consistency. The ‘healthiest’ stool in terms of consistency is a 2. This consistency is as soft of Play-Doh clay when you press it. Rock-solid poop is indicative of constipation. Possible helpful remedies encourage drinking more water, change to high-fiber diet, encourage exercise, and schedule a wellness check. When the stool is too loose this could be due to a temporary virus, parasites or maybe adjusting to a new food. Persistent continue of loose stool longer than 24 hours please see a veterinarian if your cat is scoring between a 4-7, please take this as a serious sign. It means your cat is not thriving and does not have optimal health. - CONTENTS
Hair in your cat’s poop isn’t anything to be alarmed. Cats, after all, are notorious for their grooming habits; it is perfectly normal for them to digest some hair and excrete it later on. Cat with Long and spaghetti-like strands are a good indication of roundworms or if the cat discharge is similar white rice grain tapeworm eggs. S/he has tapeworms. Contact your veterinarian once you observe the said contents in waste matter for the best plan to control parasite, fleas, ear mites, and ticks. There are new improved wormers like spot on head wormers with ticks, fleas, ear mites, and tapeworm examples. Revolutionary Plus, Stronghold Plus and Profender Plus are excellent. Cats with outdoor privilege should be wormed once a month, indoor cat the interval can be greater maybe every 3 months. - POOPING BEHAVIOR
Litter Box behavior is useful clues of health. A cat should poop at least once a day. If longer than 48 hours (2 days), outside the box, vocalization while excreting (possible pain) a trip to the veterinarian should be scheduled to rule out any potential problem, and for your peace of mind as well. A cat’s poop isn’t the most pleasant topic, but one thing is for sure—it can give you a lot of clues about their health. Any cat owner would surely be interested in promoting the better health and welfare of their feline friends, so start being more observant whenever your cat poops!
Please excuse the graphic and unsightly nature of this post. But any parent to children or pets is very familiar with talking about poop. Warning: This post is not for the faint heart.